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Ecotone Free Download Crack With Full Game


About This Game You are not a hero, You will not save the world, you may even not save yourself.An ecotone is a transition zone between two world, it can contain unique species and plants that exist only in this area.ecotone is a platformer in which the mechanics of each level are different: speed chase, puzzle solving, reversed gravity, stop time and more! Each level is based on a sentence which allows the player to understand the story of the avatar and help him to solve the riddle of the level. •A new gameplay at almost each level, you will never get bored.•A quirky universe•A unique soundtrack•A retro feeling (no checkpoints, use code to reach levels etc…)•Discover an unexpected story 7aa9394dea Title: ecotoneGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Sundae FactoryPublisher:Sundae FactoryRelease Date: 6 May, 2016 Ecotone Free Download Crack With Full Game Art: GreatMusic: GreatStory: InterestingDifficulty: Hard to the point that I eventually gave up because I didn't want to spend my entire night trying to beat one level. Seriously, the "I would reach the stars for him" level is extremely hard and it feels like you have to time your jumps perfectly maybe the "hitbox" is too big? I mean, there's that third enemy that blocks your way by going up and down and sometimes it manages to kill me without having me touching it, it's almost impossible to jump over it even a minimum height. I've managed to do the first jump few times but I always ended up getting killed by the legged monster or the ball one that also blocks the way to the moving platform monster. So, I guess the game is meant to be a ragegame while being a beautiful game. ps: THE CHARACTER IS ADORABLE. Puzzle platformer broken up in levels with little text snippets at the start of each. I feel like I\u2019ve played a lot of these before , and this one doesn\u2019t seem to do anything different.It has the \u201c2 characters at once\u201d and the \u201creversed controls\u201d and a new , yet familiar gimmick each level.It might get inventive later in the game,however an imprecise physics engine tends to make manipulating objects unpredictable and it got too tedious to bother playing anymore.The art style is leagues better than some minimalist box or poorly done pixel style , so that\u2019s one point for it there.If you\u2019ve never played anything similar and you don\u2019t mind having to retry a level because something fell a completely different way on this attempt, sure play it.. Excellent game. Perfect for a casual play in the evenings with enough challenge to make you concentrate too.Enjoyed the music, especially the last level when the metal version kicks in.. On the outside, ecotone looks like a typical indie platformer. Each level is physically disconnected from the next and there is no story exposition, no cutscenes. But once a few levels have been played, the game shows how it truly stands out from the crowd: the mechanics can be completely different from one level to the next. All these modifications are inspired from other platformers. Time stopping from Braid, gravity switch from VVVVVV, size changing from Mario\/Rayman, and so on. An element that comes back a few times (albeit with different twists) is the mind-bending ability to control two characters at the same time.As a consequence, it is really hard to get bored while playing this game. It is short enough not to overstay its welcome (5h to 100%) and well worth its asking price. Some mechanics are so fun that I would have loved to see them stay a bit more. However, some rare levels here and there can be really difficult and frustrating. I would not recommend this game to people that are not platformer enthusiasts. Of course it is not as difficult as the later levels of Super Meat Boy or I Wanna Be The Guy, but still, do not think that the cute art style does not hide some tough as nails sections. My real problem with these tough levels is that I believe that they are made harder by the way the character handles. It is fine everywhere but in these specific levels, like the one about jumping in between shadows (the character slides slightly too much after moving) and the final level about jumping in between tight spaces (crouching while jumping is rather counter-intuitive, and hard to perform according to your control scheme). The good thing is that since the mechanics and levels keep changing, anything that is not appreciated does not bother again.My main criticism is actually quite vain: there are no achievements :(As this game borrows mechanics from others, it risks being hollow and have no personality on its own. Thankfully it's not the case here, thanks to the overall art style. Unique, great, it feels both eerie and mysterious. I would enjoy to know more about this bizarre world infested by black worms and fireflies. The music supporting the game is great, even if a tad too dramatic for atmospheric levels. ecotone is a love letter to the whole platformer genre, borrowing mechanics here and there to surprise the player and make each level become a completely new experience. It is cute and pulls its own weight. I recommend it to anyone that enjoys indie platformers.http:\/\/\/sharedfiles\/filedetails\/?id=684909023. Ecotone will make ya think and I love how you learn through having the process's evolve. At first I thought my xbox controller wasn't working, couldn't jump or anything. Yet. Kinda cool seeing a level design and learning how to get around with limited abilities. Ecotone has great atmoshperic fx, music fits really well. Physics with objects is spot on. Love the old school password for each level. Some level's will make ya scratch your head, almost got me with "I feel like going...back" great job.I'm not a platform gamer, haven't been one since contra on NES. Unfortunately I really don't have much time for games these days, hence the limited play time. With that said, this game looked like it had some interesting concepts, I had a few minutes to spare (downloaded quick as hell so I was playing before I finished filling a glass of water) so I had to give it a shot. The two things that I would liked to have seen were really small, but when I get to a level where it shows the password at the beginning, maybe put that password somewhere in the pause menu so have access before I exit (this could be normal for platforms, so maybe that one's just me) The second was I ended up using the joystick more than the d-pad because I kept ducking mid air, which slows you down, and I would miss my jump. The funny thing is the joystick seemed more comfortable after a minute or two, so maybe it's a good thing. I'm not sure why it says here on steam that is "partial controller support" because everything worked perfect for me. This game is cool as hell, keep up the great work dev, looking forward to diving deeper into this bad boy.. Pros:- Great visuals- awesome music and atmosphere- challenging levels- interesting gameplayCons:- Some game mechanics have issues and not very fun (playing as crab is annoying)- When you have to control two players at one time you can't use only controller and it is quite frustratingOverall a very good game with few small issues. Well worth the price. Ummmm... Ecotone, Ecotone... Hmmmm....Ecotone will make you cry, will give you nightmares, will haunt your shadow, and bring you an experience unlike anything you've experience before. With an extremely unique gameplay style and art-form, Ecotone is unique, yes. But... You will also grow to hate this game, especially if you're not the best at platformers. A single level can take ages, especially the very last one. But as I played the game I enjoyed it more and more. The story is... Interesting. Very interesting indeed.Anywho.. I'm rambling, essentially what I'm saying is, this is a great game, but requires a steadfast heart and patient mind.10\/10 would see the end again. <3. It is a very interesting platformer, in which every level brings something new, some fresh mechanics, gimmick, etc. Without it, it would probably go boring very soon, but because every next level brings slightly different type of challenge, it keeps being non repetive and fun. This changing of circumstances makes it a quite hard game - almost every new section needs some time to get used to.Above that, it has atmospheric, disturbing graphics and music, which gives this game orignal appeal. For sure it is worthy of attention.. I've really enjoyed my time playing through Ecotone, the creepy-cute artstyle bleeds into every part of every level. The sound design is pretty on point with the varying level background music reinforcing the sombre atmosphere.\tWhat I like most about Ecotone is how it changes up mechanics on each level throughout the game, some of these changes are fairly subtle, but often enough the alterations totally change how you play the game.\tThis could easily be super confusing but each level is prefaced with a little phrase which gives a clue to what to do for the level and for the most part its intuitive enough anyway. These clues stitch together to give the game what amounts to its story.Whilst the story more or less fits the sombre atmosphere of the game, I'm not sure its executed fantastically, plot arcs that seem to be building feel like they aren't resolved properly, though I suppose that sadly mirrors real life in many cases. Another problem is that sometimes the phrases have to be awkwardly worded in order to both fit the current level, and fit itself into the wider narrative which can be a bit jarring. \tWithout going into spoiler territory, I found the ending the game goes with very surprising and confusing, I mean I could just be a moron but it made me feel like I had missed something in terms of the story that seemed to be being told throughout the game. And the bonus epilogue chapters didn't really help in that regard, even though they did deliver more of the off-beat platforming I'd been enjoying.\tSo far as difficulty goes, Ecotone doesn't require the level of platforming skill and dexterity of, say Super Meat Boy, but its still not exactly a cakewalk either, mercifully death in the game allows you to get back into the action quickly, which may not be unusual in challenging platformers these days but it certainly saves on frustration. The difficulty curve throughout the game is a little strange, there are a couple of early levels where its pretty easy to sabotage yourself early on, requiring a level restart, but beyond those early spikes, the difficulty curve is pretty smooth.\tSo, if you like platforming and enjoy the artstyle you've been seeing for most of this video, and the idea of a game changing up its mechanics from level to level interests you, then ecotone could well be right up your alley.If you'd like to watch a more in depth review, I've made a video here. Very good puzzle game with really good ideas!


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